Monday, June 10, 2013


 Coming of age

Nick Robinson: 15-year-old Joe Toy
Nick Offerman: Joe’s  father Frank
Allison Brie: Joe’s older sister Heather
Moises Arias: Joe’s pal Biaggio
Gabriel Basso: Joe’s best buddy Patrick Keenan
Megan Mullally: Patrick’s mother
Marc Jackson: Patrick’s father
Erin Moriarty: Joe’s would-be girlfriend Kelly

For many of us male viewers, the story of three teenagers rebelling against their parents and taking measures to put things right brings back nostalgic memories and thus makes this a very appealing movie. Those who have not experienced something similar will no doubt still find this quirky, somewhat unconventional tale amusing and a pleasant outing.

The acting by the boys comes across as genuine and with a series of rapid-fire montages we get to see the kinds of antics they get up to along with more protracted moments of drama. Definitely a feel-good movie and it has to be said that Baggie is hilarious and steals every scene he’s in. Just to witness his antics is worth the price of admission alone.

 for languge and some teen drinking. I have no idea why such a harsh rating was assigned as there is nothing that warrants placing it in the same category as hard-core sex; it should be rated PG, no more.

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