True sports story
Mark Wahlberg: Vincent (Vince) Papale, 30-year old substitute teacher and part-time bartender
Michael Rispoli: owner of Max’s bar in South Philly
Greg Kinnear: first year coach of the NFL Philadelphia Eagles Dick Vermeil
Kevin Conway: Vince’s working class dad
Elizabeth Banks: Max’s cousin and new bartender Janet
As usual when one of the senior crew is responsible for more than one key production area (Ericson Core is both Director and Cinematographer) the results are often less that ideal. Both aspects generally suffer: in this case the acting is generally mediocre at best while the cinematography is pretty unexciting with only the few overhead shots even remotely of interest.
Although it is a good story, one that to many would be considered inspirational, it is unfortunately not one that’s been well told. Die-hard Eagles fans will no doubt overlook any shortcomings. But the rest of us can’t.
One more thing: it has one of the worst endings I’ve seen in years. Seems like someone stood up on the set one day and said “That’s it. Go home.” And they did.
During the open try-out it is evident it was filmed over a period of time because the shadows cut across the yard lines at different angles from one shot to the next.
Bit of an exaggeration to title the movie as Invincible.
Definition: incapable of being conquered, overcome, or subdued.
Granted Vince has to deal with some difficulties, but don’t we all? That hardly warrants his being described as someone who is invincible.