Expectations are high any time there is a movie with Denzel Washington in it: this time he really nails it giving what is probably his best performance. Because the role calls for him to handle a variety of human emotions it’s to his credit he never goes over the top, something lesser actors constantly do. But he is not the only one who puts in a terrific performance; it’s just that he’s the best. Although flying has a lot to do with the movie storyline it’s the human side of things that make it interesting. Questions of morals and ethics abound and that makes for good ol’ fashioned solid entertainment. Despite the fact the running time is in excess of two hours, it is not a minute too long. One movie goer put it this way: “the movie is never too long when Denzel Washington is in it”.

Worthy of an Academy award, the performance by Day-Lewis is but one of many fine character impersonations this film has to offer. It also provides an insight to Lincoln’s interpersonal skills with people and his clear-sighted judgment in face of a terrible dilemma: end slavery or end the war. Lincoln accomplished more in the last four months of his life than most people do in a lifetime. It can be a bit confusing at times while trying to follow the House discussions (more like a yelling match than debate) and understanding the implications of the back room makeovers not to forget the under-the-table deals to outwit his opponents but the effort is worthwhile in order to get the gist of it. (My full review includes important background information.) Production values are first rate and the score by John Williams is one of his best. At 2 hours and 30 minutes it is not a minute too long given that the story being told is such an important one.

There are more than a few chuckles and laughs in the telling of this rather unusual story including the premise itself of sport fishing in the desert. The acting is first rate and some of the scenery is pretty impressive. It is thoroughly entertaining even though the British accent keeps you on your toes so as not to miss any of the dialogue. In the words of one movie-goer “it’s a charming gem of a movie with almost unbelievable challenges facing them with great acting by all the principals”.

The film takes place over a 24 hour period while former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is clearing out her husband's belongings. Her life unfolds through a series of flashbacks sometimes with actual period television footage. It’s a huge undertaking as it covers almost her entire life chronologically from when she was a teenager at the outbreak of WWII up to the year 2005. The producers have wisely chosen not to dwell too long on any of the key events that took place during her career. To have done so would have resulted in a film three or four times longer than it is and who wants that? Another good choice is to have Meryl Streep portray the Prime Minister. Streep's performance is nothing short of remarkable. She really nailed it this time, not only in the voice (and accent) but with the mannerisms and facial expressions. Streep holds the record for the most Academy Award nominations of any actor, having been nominated sixteen times. There is no doubt in my mind she will up that count by one. Production values are top notch including costume design, set decoration, makeup (the best I’ve seen in years) and cinemaphotography all contributing to its elegant look.
The discriminating viewer will be rewarded with learning more about a charismatic world-class leader who was faced with having to decide between personal happiness and her people. During the first fifteen minutes or so the movie jumps back and forth in time but these flashbacks serve only to confuse the issue since at that stage we are not yet familiar with the characters on screen. But apart from that, the film has so much going for it: great acting, beautiful cinematography, excellent pacing, a well written story and a lovely score. Although the running time is just over two hours, it is not a minute too long as this is one film with a lot to say and that should not be rushed.
This latest IMAX documentary covers some very familiar ground: global warming and the daily struggle just to survive in this harsh environment. By focusing on a mother polar bear and her twin seven-month-old cubs their plight becomes evident but the solutions are not. Meryl Streep narrates with feeling and Sir Paul McCartney has written some new songs that almost overwhelm the viewer. But not quite, as the majestic landscape draws our attention to what is indeed a serious problem. Although the producers have avoided including anything of a gory nature, that does not mean to say the film is without some sense of pending doom. By contrast, the cubs provide more than a few moments of levity so it’s a nice balance.
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