CONTROL is a fictional covert American intelligence spy agency.
KAOS (pronounced chaos) is the evil crime syndicate of some unnamed Eastern bloc nation. Despite being capitalised, CONTROL and KAOS are not acronyms and do not stand for anything.
Cone of Silence: one of CONTROL's security protocols, this transparent plastic hemisphere was lowered over each speaker; its use is of dubious value.
Steve Carell: Maxwell Smart, a CONTROL analyst aspiring to become a field agent
Dwayne Johnson: superstar Field Agent 23
Alan Arkin: The Chief, head of CONTROL
Terence Stamp: Siegfried, head of KOAS
Anne Hathaway: Agent 99
The Story Editor whose function it is to identify any weaknesses in the script and then make suggestions to the writers for the next draft either did not do his job or his comments were ignored. The result is a convoluted story line that often jumps from one situation to the next without any apparent connection to the preceding scene. The plot does not make a lot of sense and serves mainly to be the rational for including some CGI pyrotechnics.
Relying on more than a few types of humour some of them, such as the slapstick and sarcasm, work better than others. The gross-out scenes and the couple instances of the scatological sort might be offensive to some.
Some of the chase scenes are among the best and the crazy gadgets would be the envy of James Bond (or maybe not?). Overall not a bad movie but it could have been better.
Maxwell Smart gets his suit jacket cut up in several places. These slashs come and go with just about every POV change.
When picked up by the limo, the title-over indicates the time in Washinington D.C. to be 7:30am. This is belied by the strong noon-time shadows beneath the car.
The folded blanket next to the pillow at the end of the cot moves about pretty much from one scene to the next.
There is no part for a piano so one would not be in a prominent position on stage for any performance of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 in D minor.
Those who remember the television version of the late ‘60’s will appreciate how close Agents 86 and 99 resemble the originals.
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