Thursday, July 1, 2010


Action adventure romantic comedy

Tom Cruise: Roy Miller
Cameron Diaz: June Havens, a vintage car restorer
Peter Sarsgaard: F.B.I. Agent Fitzgerald
Marc Blucas: firefighter Rodney, June’s ex-boyfriend
Paul Dano: boy scientist Simon Feck
Jordi Molla: Antonio, an international arms dealer
Viola Davis: F.B.I. Director George

It scores on all four counts: lots of action, limited adventure, plenty of romance and a sprinkling of comedy. The action sequences are short and sweet so you won’t get bored with them and the cinematography takes advantage of the locations so it is almost a travelogue as well.

The acting is fine, the story has the mandatory twists and turns but unlike most of this genre the plot is not too convoluted so it’s not too taxing.

for sequences of action violence throughout and brief strong language.

• The flight attendant completely ignores passengers walking about the aircraft despite the fact the seat belt sign is on.
• While driving on the motorcycle Roy and June encounter the famous running of the bulls. Trouble is that takes place in Pamplona, not Seville.
• Cape Horn, Chile is approximately 11,105 km distant from Los Angeles not 3,976 as indicated on the beach sign post.

The little souvenir Roy purchases in the airport gift shop accounts for the first half of the movie title but I have no idea what the “Day” part is all about.

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