Saturday, September 2, 2006



Nora Zehetner: Young Woman
Erik Eidem: Young Man
Helena Bonham Carter: Older Woman
Aaron Eckhart: Older Man
Cerina Vincent: Sarah
Philip Littell: Jeffrey

Although the story may be one we’ve seen or read before, the presentation is something quite different. The entire movie is shot using the spilt-screen technique. It does have its benefits though.
For example:
 we see on one side the person as he/she is today and on the other side a flashback
 or on one side what the person sees/hears and on the other side what he/she wishes to see/hear
 or on one side the man talking/listening and on the other side the woman listening/talking
However it takes some effort to keep checking both sides of the screen since sometimes entirely different things are taking place. For some, this technique will be a big distraction.

This is a “talky-film” with a great deal of dialogue so it comes across as a long one-act play but with more than a few clever lines, some chuckles and lots of bang-on observations about life and love.

Both principal actors give exceptional performances.

for language and sexual content.

As the woman and the man are about to get into separate Manhattan taxis, the name of the hotel they were staying in is clearly evident on the awning behind them. Trouble is, Langham Hotels International does not manage or operate one in New York City.

Automatic Dialogue Replacement is the re-recording of dialogue in a sound studio during post-production. ADR is frequently used to replace the original recorded sound track because of its poor quality (often due to high levels of background noise) or to change the delivery or the inflection of a line.

In this movie, the man offers a flute of champagne to the woman who starts off by telling him that she is really only an alternative bridesmaid, etc. This is a good example of poor execution of ADR because the lip movements are not even close to what is being said.

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